| #110

[Workspace] Send Personalized Bulk Email with Mail Merge!

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How Mail Merge saved me ~50 minutes

I recently announced I was hiring for a Video Editor and received around 30 submissions in the first week.

I wanted to get back to each person with a personalized answer whether or not they were short-listed for the position, but composing a new email for each applicant would have taken hours!

And so I created a Mail Merge email from within Gmail:

This only took me 10 minutes to set up and as you can see, I was able to include personalized messages through the use of tags!

How this worked

First, I created a blank Google Spreadsheet and copied and pasted their information over (Columns D-K), and added my comments after watching their edits (Column C):

Pro tip: While it’s not necessary, I find it easiest to have just 1-2 words in the Column header

Then from within Gmail compose, click the “Mail Merge” icon, toggle the checkbox, and select “Add from a spreadsheet:”

Select the corresponding Google Sheet, and now you can match the corresponding column with the relevant information (e.g. The “Email” column for email):

Pro tip: You can leave the “Last Name” field blank if you only have 1 name column

Now, you can use the “@” symbol to add a placeholder for any column from within the spreadsheet!

And the end result? I saved a bunch of time but I was still able to share personalized feedback for EACH applicant, talk about a win-win 💪🏻

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