How I Manage My Time (with a Full-Time Job)

As someone who's been juggling a full-time job in tech with running a YouTube channel, I initially struggled with managing my time effectively.

After three years of experience and a lot of trial and error, I've honed in on 8 actionable time management tips that have been pivotal in maintaining this balance. Let's get started 😁

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1. Create a “God’s Eye” View

Managing time starts with having a bird’s-eye view of your activities, much like how a budget tracker aids in financial planning.

This concept has helped me stay on top of my personal finances, work responsibilities, and YouTube channel.

By setting up systems that provide a comprehensive view of my projects and tasks, I save time in the long run by eliminating the need for constant recalculations or status checks.

2. The Power of Checklists

Inspired by concepts like The Checklist Manifesto and insights from thought leaders like Matt D'Avella, I’ve integrated checklists into my daily life.

These range from morning routines to weekly work preparations and content creation for my YouTube channel. Checklists streamline my process, ensure consistency, and keep me from missing important steps.

3. The Anti-McDonald’s Habit

While the McDonald’s Habit, popularized by Ali Abdaal and Matthew Dicks, advocates utilizing every bit of spare time, I believe in a more nuanced approach.

Differentiating between high-intensity and low-focus tasks helps in choosing the right work for available time slots. This method improves overall productivity and reduces the risk of burnout or errors.

4. Inbox Zero Workflow

Managing emails efficiently is crucial. Adopting the Inbox Zero method, which involves systematic sorting, action, and archiving of emails, has dramatically enhanced my productivity. This technique ensures that important emails are addressed promptly, while the clutter is minimized.

5. The Atomic 80/20 Rule

Contrary to popular belief, a productive morning routine doesn’t need to be packed with activities.

By applying the 80/20 rule along with insights from "Atomic Habits," I focus on small, impactful activities that fit within a realistic time frame. This practice leads to sustainable habits and significant long-term benefits.

6. Prompt with Intention

In the age of AI tools like ChatGPT and Google Bard, effective utilization is key. Instead of being overwhelmed by the possibilities, I recommend focusing on specific, repetitive tasks that benefit most from AI assistance.

Tailoring AI prompts to your needs can significantly enhance productivity and time management.

7. The Recovery Forecast

Acknowledging and planning for recovery times, whether post-night-out or traveling, is an often-overlooked aspect of time management. By intentionally blocking out time for rest, you can better manage your schedule and avoid overcommitting.

8. Capture and Organize

A crucial part of time management is efficiently capturing and organizing tasks as they come. I use a combination of tools like a todo app, Notion, and Google Calendar to note down and sort tasks, allowing me to address them appropriately without getting overwhelmed or forgetting important details.

By implementing these strategies, I've managed to find a workable balance between my career in tech and my passion for creating YouTube content.

Effective time management is about more than just squeezing tasks into every available minute; it's about prioritizing, organizing, and being strategic about where and how you spend your time!

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