3 Tips for Virtual Interviews

Hi friends - As I mentioned in one of my previous weekly tips on interview trends in 2021, virtual interviews are here for stay in the near future and I wanted to share 3 quick tips:

  1. Referencing notes: Although it's best NOT to refer to any notes during a virtual interview to mimic a real interview as much as possible, there is definitely a temptation to have notes in front of you. If you must do this, make sure the notes are ON YOUR SCREEN and not off to the side. Whether you're on PC or Mac, you can split your screen half-half: half with notes, and the other half with the interviewer. There are countless examples where interviewees are clearly looking off to the side when looking at their notes 😳
  2. Taking notes: Use a physical notebook whenever possible and ask the interviewer at the beginning of the interview "do you mind if I jot down some notes while we talk?" Not only is this polite, but this is a subtle way to let the interviewer know you are very detail-oriented 😉
  3. Small talk ideas - If the interviewer has an interesting background (virtual image or real physical decorations), comment on it to break the ice! This is a very easy and natural way to ease both of you into the online interview and lets you convey your high energy right from the get-go!